The One You Love The Least
Verse 1:
I was hungry and you fed me
I was thirsty and you gave me drink
I was a stranger you invited me in
Naked and you clothed me
Sick and in prison and you came to me
When did we do this Lord please tell us?
When you did it to the least of these
So if you're dreaming of heavenly mansions
or the royal wedding feast, remember
You can only love Jesus as much as the one you love the least
Verse 2:
Well I was hungry yet you wouldn't feed me
I was thirsty you gave me no drink
I was a stranger you turned me away
Naked and you wouldn't clothe me
Sick and in prison you left me alone
When did we do this Lord please tell us?
When you did it to one of my own
So if you're dreaming of heavenly mansions
or the royal wedding feast remember
You can only love Jesus as much as the one you love the least
So while you're dreaming of your heavenly mansion
or the royal wedding feast remember
You can only love Jesus as much as the one you love the least
Yes, you can only love Jesus as much as the one you love the least
We've got to love the least
©1988 Rick Weaver