He Is Lord
Verse 1:
Bless the Lord and praise His name.
Let all voices sing. Jesus is Lord forever.
Living Word the Prince of Peace.
Heaven’s King of Kings. He will forsake you no, never. Woh—
Just lift Him up
For He is Lord of everything
In every word I speak
And every song I sing
I will glorify, exalt and magnify
Christ the Lord.
Verse 2:
Let my life reflect His Love
And every move I make be guided by His sweet Spirit.
Give me eyes that I might see
Keep me in the Word
And give me the ears to hear it. Woh—
Just lift Him up
For He is Lord of everything
In every word I speak
And every song I sing
I will glorify, exalt and magnify
Christ the Lord of everything
In every word I speak
And every song I sing
I will glorify, exalt and magnify
Christ the Lord.
©1988 Rick Weaver